CompuExams Pricing

Monthly Plans
Plan Features Price
Plan A Take upto 200 exams per month Rs. 1500 per month
Plan B Take upto 500 exams per month Rs. 3500 per month

Credit Plans (Validity 12 months)
Plan Features Price
Credit 100 Take upto 100 exams Rs. 1500
Credit 250 Take upto 250 exams Rs. 3375 (Rs. 3750)
Credit 500 Take upto 500 exams Rs. 5250 (Rs. 7500)
Credit 1000 Take upto 1000 exams Rs. 9000 (Rs. 15000)
Credit 2000 Take upto 2000 exams Rs. 15000 (Rs. 30000)

Top up Plans
If you are running short for conducting exams in your monthly plan then you can Top up with below options for that month
Plan Features Price
Top up 50 Adds 50 exams to your remaining count in respective month Rs. 375
Top up 100 Adds 100 exams to your remaining count in respective month Rs. 700 (Rs. 750)

Video Plans [Please contact us to know more details]
Video plans allow customers to upload video and candidates can see video then take exam based on the question bank uploaded for the respective video.

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