Welcome to our website

The Compu-Exam is for professionals to create web based exams.

The Best Online Exam Tool for Business & Education. This professional, secure, web-based exam service is an easy to use, customizable online exam tool for business, training & educational assessment instantly, saving hours of paperwork! Online Exam is primary want for colleges, universities, teachers, professors, Employees, Partners, Technicians, web site Members, the overall Public, Recruiting agencies or anyone you would like to allow secure access to your Content.

Our system allows you to seamlessly integrate with your existing website and maintain branding of your site. This can be achieved in two steps,

  1. You can have subdomain created for online examination and point it to our name servers, our application will take care of serving CompuExams using your domain name, like:
    We have a client MCITER.in and they have created sub-domain oes.mciter.in mapped to our name servers. Our application is intelligent enough to understand the client and serve the pages accordingly. Another example is our own demo site – oes.compuvist.com.
  2. You can create header image for your online examination website and we will assign it to your login (sub domain)

To open CompuExams account, after payment of your subscription fee, you need to first provide below details to us:

  1. Company Details: Company Name, Address, Contact Person/Admin User Details
  2. Domain/Sub domain name you would like to configure with this account
  3. Header Images

Once account is setup, we will send you welcome email with login details.

Coming together was the beginning, working together is our motto and succeeding together is our goal!

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